Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Weston Venture

The Weston Venture, known to insiders and locals as simply "The Company," is a medium-sized corporation funded by the recently founded Confederate States of America. The Company's purpose is the development of new technology, especially that of the steampunk variety, along with alchemic research. The Confederacy is particularly interested in the weapons.

The Company was founded by Jeremiah Weston, an old Southern boy from New Orleans (of course, he pronounces it "Nuawlins") with a thick drawl, black slicked-back hair, a gray bushy mustache and a belly that made him look like a walrus. But the guy's loaded with enough money to buy the entire Arizona Territory and always packin' a pistol. He tends to hang out in the saloons around town.

Weston moved out west with a crew of men and settled near the town of Blackwater (modeled after Tombstone, AZ), a mining town in the Arizona Territory near the Mexican border. The location includes many of the natural the Company needs for its alchemic experiments and inventions. The locals were not too thrilled to have such a large influx of new people around, but they did not have much of a decision in the matter. The Company built a rail line from Blackwater to the main line that runs through cities like Yuma, Tombstone, El Paso, and San Antonio.

The Company has been having issues with disgruntled locals, pesky Mexican banditos, mysterious creatures, and Indians. Because of these issues, The Company has hired our main characters to come in and be security detail for The Company's operations.

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