Friday, February 18, 2011

Ex-Soldier Amputee (Class)

Because of upgraded weapons and poor strategy, the Civil War saw more unnecessary amputations than any other war. To aid amputees, inventors and engineers created steam-powered prosthetic limbs to replace those lost by the war. Some of the limbs were created with automatic weapons so that they could return to the battlefield, becoming one of the key technological milestones that led to the Confederacy's victory in claiming its independence from the Union.

After the War, their reception back home was mixed. Some were welcomed home, some only under the condition that they abandon the fake limbs, many who refused were looked upon as monsters:   half man and half machine.

The Weston Venture was particularly interested in the services of these ex-soldiers and offered them a job out west protecting their investments at Blackwater. The West welcomed these soldiers, where the odd and the unusual abounded.

These soldiers' advantages include interchangeable limbs to fit different occasions. Thus they can be extremely adept at long range, short range, and melee combat (but generally only one at a time). The metal limbs are generally durable against melee attacks, so that they can be used to shield their actual bodies from harm.

The disadvantages include possible malfunction of the limbs. A damaged prosthetic leg can cripple an ex-soldier.

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