Monday, February 14, 2011

Ranger / Wrangler (Class)

(Haven't settled on whether to call this class the ranger or wrangler, but the idea is still the same. For now, I'm calling the class the "Ranger.")

While all other classes are able to mount horses, the ranger sticks out as the class that handles horse riding and combat the best. When the going gets tough in battle the enemy is upon the party, it's the ranger who is really able to ride in and meet opponents without a loss of accuracy from being mounted. Rangers also have the ability to calm wild horses or other beasts meant to be mounted. They have a way with nature that can benefit the party. Rangers also have great diplomacy and social skills.

Rangers, while agile on a horse, are drastically less agile when on foot. They are still very adept at short range and melee combat, but are not the most accurate with long range weapons. They're also not very skilled when it comes to technology, preferring the feet of the saddle and the pistol.

But overall the ranger is loyal, honorable, brave, and always looking for justice, perhaps even to his own doom.

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