Monday, February 14, 2011

Gunslinger (Class)

Quick and precise are the two deadly ingredients of the gunslinger. Known for his expertise with ranged and long-ranged weapons, the gunslinger is a must for any raiding party in the West. He is able to cut down many enemies before they are within range to do damage back. With a trained eye, gunslingers also have an uncanny ability to see farther and with better perception than the other classes.

Gunslingers tend to be low on social skills, however, and would not be the best negotiators. They're better at dueling than diplomacy. They also tend to rank low on Reputation, as they are perceived as lawless vigilantes more interested in themselves and their money than anything or anyone else.

While the gunslinger is deadly with his rifles and pistols, he tends to be weak in melee combat. Thus a gunslinger's greatest weakness is low or no ammo. Use of technology is also not a strong suit of the gunslinger (though a multi-class gunslinger/engineer would be strong in both).

Despite their social inadequacies, gunslingers play their part. It's not like the wild chupacabras are looking for a peace treaty, anyway.

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